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buy Dhanwantri Uteryte Capsules in UK & USA

Dhanwantri Uteryte Capsules


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Product Description

Dhanwantri Uteryte Capsules

Pack size: 60 Capsule

It is best for kidney stones to reduce its size, breaks and dissolves it. It helps to maintain free flow of urine in any retention of urine. It is good in reducing the burning sensation during urination as it alkalizes urine.  Reduces itching and infection in Urinary Tract. It gives tone to urinary bladder and urinary muscles thus useful in dribbling urination bed wetting.  It boosts immunity of kidney and prevents infection. Acts as a strong antioxidant for kidney system.


Cleaning urinary sediments

Preventing formation of kidney stones

Decomposition of existing Kidney stones

Improving kidney function


1 Capsules after breakfast and dinner.


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